Fundraising Idea: Smartie Tube Collections

3325010034_a1f55c294d_bYou may remember doing these when you were at school, guides, scouts etc. The idea is very simple! You just need a lot of smartie tubes and some friends to give them out too! What a great excuse to eat a lot of smarties – goodbye new years resolution to give up chocolate!… well if you were being nice you would of course give them to people full (but any excuse to eat chocolate!).

Ask people to fill them with a certain denomination – if you’re friends are feeling generous then they might fill them with £1 coins, but it’s a good idea to ask people to fill them with 20p pieces – you would be surprised how quickly that mounts up! You can normally get about £5 worth of 20p pieces in a smarties tube – give a tube to 20 of your friends and ask them to fill them up in a month and you’ve raised £100!

We have had volunteers do this activity with their brownie and guides groups and raise nearly £50remember it all mounts up!! This is a great one for people who don’t want to do a lump donation to your Just Giving page as people don’t really notice the slow flow of 20p pieces going into the smarties tube!

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