Fundraising Idea: Collections

Collections are a great way of raising money, you can easily purchase collection buckets from eBay and decorate them with the VESL logo and photographs from our website. You could dress up to draw more attention to yourself or wear a VESL t-shirt or jumper so that you are looking official!

Time to get collecting…

If you are planning on holding a collection in a public place you will need to apply to your local council for a permit to do this, permits are usually free but they can take a while to come through, especially if other charities are applying for them too. If you’re planning on doing this then get in touch with your local council well in advance, you will also need the letter we have e-mailed you confirming you’re a VESL volunteer.

If you’re planning on doing a collection in a privately owned space (for example at a train station, inside a shop, inside a university building) you will need to ask permission from the company that owns that building. The process for arranging this will vary for each place, it may be best to give them a call and ask who is the best person to contact regarding this, again remember to include your VESL letter confirming you’re a VESL volunteer in any written correspondence. It would be useful to a get a letter confirming you have been allowed to do your collection to take a long on the day, just in case the staff have not been informed.

Four volunteers at Keele raised nearly £85 in one hour when they stood outside their union with collection buckets (they got permission from their Students Union) when a night out had finished, not bad for an hours work!

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