“It has been hard work. It has made me cry with laughter, cry with frustration and sometimes just cry. I’ve been, annoyed and scared (the driving!). It has been hilariously funny, unbelievable sad, humbling, very hot, very humid, very sweaty and very wet. The food, mostly fabulous, sometimes dodgy. The toilets, ever a challenge, the […]

Volunteer Case Study: Pauline: First Week in India
This is part two of Pauline’s six week trip to India in September 2013, if you missed part one check it out here! Here Pauline reflects on her first week at her project; meeting her host family, exploring the village and starting in school. End of week one and highlights so far: We are staying […]

Volunteer Case Study: A Second Family
Victoria Will recently graduated from Nottingham University and spent six weeks this summer volunteering in a school in Chiang Rai with her volunteer partner Tata. Victoria has written a great blog about her experiences of staying with a host family, from her initial nerves to a tearful goodbye at the airport! Please note that not […]

Volunteer Case Study: Memories
Tazreen Kassim-Lowe from Keele University has written a second blog (first blog can be found here) for us, reflecting on her experience and memories after spending four weeks in Northern Thailand teaching English. Tazreen and her project partner, Kate, were placed at a rural primary school between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai, having returned to […]

India: A Volunteers Guide From Start To Finish: Part Three: Host Family
Meeting your host family can seem like a very daunting part of your project, in her third instalment of ‘India: A volunteers guide from start to finish’ Becky describes her worries and how living with a host family was one of the best parts of her trip. Read her post below to put your worries […]

Volunteer Case Study: Making A Small But Measureable Difference
Alison Leighton, a volunteer from Edinburgh University, volunteered with VESL in Kerala, India this summer for six weeks, here she describes getting over her initial nerves and the amazing experience of living with a host family. On 12th July 2013 I left the UK to teach English in a small village near Trivandrum in Kerala, […]

Travel Advice: Communicating With Your Host Family
Lots of volunteers worry about being able to communicate with their host family if they speak little or no English, having been placed with a host family myself with VESL who spoke little to no English (although this didn’t stop them trying!), I have put together some handy tips to help you communicate: 1. Learn […]

Volunteer Diary: Saying Goodbye & English Day
Olivia Higginson has written her final blog for us as she has just finished her placement in Kerala, India. VESL would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all Olivia’s hard work and for writing blogs for us! My placement has finished and I have tearfully waved goodbye to all my new […]

Volunteer Diary: A Day in the Life, Sri Lanka.
Melissa has written another excellent blog for us (you may have read her last one, if not catch up on it here), this time about her day to day life in Sri Lanka.Warning: If you read this you are more than likely going to want to jump on to the next plane to Sri Lanka […]

Video Diary: Thailand Rural School Project
Andrew Durrant and Sandeep Rajgopal volunteered in a rural hill tribe school this summer. The school they volunteered at made a thank you video for them, check it out to get an idea of what it would be like to volunteer in Thailand! (more…)

Volunteer Diary: Don’t Think: ACT!
“If you are thinking about volunteering with VESL my message would be don’t think – act! You are guaranteed an incredibly rewarding experience you will never forget. The schools here in Sri Lanka desperately need more volunteers to help improve their English speaking and listening, and your efforts will be more than appreciated. Come and […]

A day in the life: India Project
Olivia Higginson is currently in India on a three month project and has written an excellent article below about what she does on a day to day basis… Morning 7:00am Wake up. The family are normally all up. Ama (host mother) has often been up since 5am preparing vegetables and cooking for the day. My two […]

A day in the life: Thailand Project
“Get involved with the culture and take every opportunity that comes your way as not only does it combat homesickness, it will create memories to make this one of the greatest experiences of your life!” Katie Desmond and Stacey Smail, Volunteers in Thailand 2012

Student Leader Diary – India 2012 – Saying Goodbye
“There really is an endless list of what I will miss… but hopefully I will get to visit at some point next year!” Lauren Plüss, 2012
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Past Volunteer Feedback
Travel Advice: Homesickness April 23, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Dhanya April 15, 2014
Teaching Advice: New Ideas April 14, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Renata April 8, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Ola April 1, 2014