You may have seen some of our past updates from Bob who is in Sri Lanka at the moment on a long term placement (for the third year in a row!), if not you can check them out here. Bob is coming to the end of his placement and has e-mailed to tell us about […]

A review of 2012
2012 has been an exciting year for VESL, we celebrated our 10th Birthday, we sent our largest number of volunteers overseas ever, we have continued to see demand for our projects overseas grow and employed our first full time member of staff. So we feel that it is about time that we updated you in a […]

Volunteer Diary: A Day in the Life, Sri Lanka.
Melissa has written another excellent blog for us (you may have read her last one, if not catch up on it here), this time about her day to day life in Sri Lanka.Warning: If you read this you are more than likely going to want to jump on to the next plane to Sri Lanka […]

Volunteer Diary: Don’t Think: ACT!
“If you are thinking about volunteering with VESL my message would be don’t think – act! You are guaranteed an incredibly rewarding experience you will never forget. The schools here in Sri Lanka desperately need more volunteers to help improve their English speaking and listening, and your efforts will be more than appreciated. Come and […]

Video Diary: Life in Thailand
Jodie Thackray volunteered with VESL in Thailand in Summer 2012, here she has put together an excellent video of her time there, from teaching in school to eating crickets! Jodie recently graduated from MMU and is a freelance film-maker, photographer and artist – check out her website. Thailand 2012 VESL from Jodie Thackray on Vimeo. […]

A day in the life: rural Thailand project
“My favourite part of the day is when the children sit in the hall waiting to see which class room I walk into, which ever class I walk into the students let out a great big cheer.” Michelle Bainbridge, Volunteer in Thailand 2012

Student Leader Diary – India 2012 – Youth Festival
Youth Festival is a festival that occurs every year at schools in India where students are put in competitions for a range of different activities from English recitation to traditional dance, from comedy sketches to Malayalam speeches. The festival is over two days and it was a great chance for us to see some more […]

Student Leader Diary – India 2012
For the next five weeks I am a Student Leader for the volunteers that are in India this summer, my next couple of blog posts will reflect on this role and my time in India. Arrival in India My first week in India has finished all too quickly and it has been an amazing, busy week! […]
![How time flies… [Volunteer Journal] Students on their best behaviour!](
How time flies… [Volunteer Journal]
Lucy Allcock is a student from Edgehill University and she is a volunteer in one of the Student Leadership Programme teams from Edgehill. Lucy has completed her first week in India, here she enlightens you all on how the time has flown by and what an amazing time she has had so far… Wow! It’s […]

Starting an After School Club
There are lots of opportunities to run extra-curricula activities and it is a great way to fully involve yourself in the project. Just make sure you ask permission from the school before you set anything up. My experience teaching English in Kerala I spent three months teaching English in Kerala. The students in the English medium class […]

Songs : Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Songs are a great way of learning a language. They help with pronunciation, vocabulary and rhythm. And kids (and adults) love them! Particularly if there are actions to go with them! The kids really won’t mind how terrible you are. Trust me, I’m terrible and they still ask me to sing (again, and again, and […]

Student Talk Time
Increasing student talk time is a very valuable thing to do in a second language classroom. Here are a few ways of helping to make that happen. Ensure that all students have the relevant vocabulary for the lesson. In this example we had been looking at places in town: bank, hotel, museum, library, police station, […]

Help! I Don’t Understand What People Are Saying!
Sometimes you will have trouble understanding the people around you. It might be your host family or the other teachers at the school or your students or the bus conductors or the people in the shop or just about anyone. There are things you can do to make it easier. Ask Them To Slow Down […]

Help! People Don’t Understand What I’m Saying!
Sometimes the people you are talking to when you’re overseas will have trouble understanding you. It might be your host family or the other teachers at the school or your students or the bus conductors or the people in the shop or just about anyone. There are things you can do to make life easier. […]
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Past Volunteer Feedback
Travel Advice: Homesickness April 23, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Dhanya April 15, 2014
Teaching Advice: New Ideas April 14, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Renata April 8, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Ola April 1, 2014