Whether you love it or hate it… Valentines Day is a good opportunity to do some fundraising, check out some of our ideas below: Secret Delivery Arrange a stall in your university, at school or work and people can send a rose, home made cup cake with a heart on or chocolate heart lollipop to […]

How much spending money do I need?
A questions commonly asked by volunteers is how much spending money they need to take with them. It’s important to remember that on a day to day basis local food will be provided for you for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as will water. Therefore unless you’re planning on buying additional food and/or drinks then during […]

Fundraising: Publicity
Think about all the ways you can raise awareness of your fundraising and also volunteering overseas. The more publicity you get the easier your fundraising job will be. Local papers often respond positively when approached to do an article on you and your fundraising plans. Send them a press release or brief article about what […]

Fundraising Idea: Raffle
A raffle is a great way to raise money at an event, past volunteers have raised nearly £150 from holding a raffle at a designated event – a great source of funding! Please note that if you are planning on holding a raffle you need to read the section below entitled ‘Raffles and the law’ […]

Fundraising Idea: Sponsored Event
Participating in a sponsored event is a great way to raise money towards your target and get fit and have fun (yes it is possible -check out some alternative events below!) all at the same time! What can I do? There are loads of different events out there from a marathon to an assault course, […]

Fundraising idea: Match Funding
Match funding is when a company you work for or are associated with match the funds that you’re raising for charity, companies do this as a way of encouraging people to do charitable activities. Lots of larger (and sometimes small companies) will have funds set aside specifically for match funding and some small companies are […]

Fundraising Idea: Coffee Morning or Afternoon Tea
It’s time to find your inner Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood and get baking! How to organise Find a venue – you could do this in your house, in a village hall or community gathering point. You may be able to hold it at your a school you’re associated with and invite all the parents. […]

Fundraising Idea: Clearing out your junk
Having a clear out is a great way to raise money, sometimes you don’t have enough for a car boot sale or you just may not have enough time to organise one. If you’re a university student and heading home this Easter it could be a great time to have a clear out of the […]

Fundraising Case Study: Gig/Concert
Tasha from Edge Hill university has been doing lots of fundraising since she was accepted on the project, and so far has raised £619.00 through different activities & events. Tasha has kindly written this blog for us about how she set up her own gig which raised £204.00. One of the best methods of fundraising […]

Fundraising Idea: Easter Games
There are a couple of Easter themed games that you could set up over the coming weeks to help you raise money, check out our ideas below. Name the Easter Bunny This is really simple to set up, you will need to buy a prize (more than likely an Easter bunny, or you could use […]

Fundraising: Case Study – Family Fundraiser
Alan is one of our Student Leaders and he was written an excellent blog below about his recent trip home and how it used it to do some fundraising, from one big family fundraiser meal Alan raised £380 in one night! Read below to find out how it went and for advice on how to […]

Fundraising: Case Study
Tazreen from Keele University has kindly written this blog post for us about her experiences with fundraising, so far she has raised over £350 in the last three months, read her article below to see what she has been doing to reach her target. VESL provides amazing opportunities for young people to volunteer overseas and […]

Fundraising Idea: Writing To A Trust
A really good way to fundraise money is through applications to charitable trusts and foundations, there are nearly 10,000 different trusts and foundations in the UK alone who in 2011 gave over £3.6 billion to a range of different causes. Most charitable trusts and foundations work through giving away income on capital investment, trustees are […]

Fundraising Idea: Krispy Kreme
Who doesn’t love donuts? And who doesn’t love Krispy Kreme donuts?! Krispy Kreme let you buy donuts from them at a discounted price so that you can sell them on at a cake sale for a profit and put that money towards your target. How does it work? You can buy a dozen donuts from […]
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Past Volunteer Feedback
Travel Advice: Homesickness April 23, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Dhanya April 15, 2014
Teaching Advice: New Ideas April 14, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Renata April 8, 2014
Volunteer Co-ordinator: Ola April 1, 2014