Fundraising Idea: Quiz Night

Pub quizzes or quiz nights are a great way to raise money and awareness of your project in your local community and they have a huge potential to raise a large proportion of your target. Read on below to find out how to set up an event in your community or how to run a mini paper quiz if you don’t have access to a venue.

How to organise

  • Sort a venue – find somewhere where you can hold your event, whether that’s your local pub, place of work, community hall, Student Union or other venue. It’s a great idea to speak to your local pub and ask them which night is a quiet night for them and organise an event for that evening, then the pub will get extra business on a night that they are normally very quiet. You may also consider holding the event at your local Thai or Indian restaurant – just speak to the owners and see if that’s a possibility!
  • Question Master– decide whether you will be the question master or whether you will get a friend or family member to do it for you. Get your Question Master or yourself to do a quick speech at the beginning to remind people why they are there.
  • Materials – make sure you have pens and paper to give out for people to write their answers on and a microphone so your Question Master doesn’t loose their voice by the end of the evening. You can ask for some VESL leaflets to put on tables too in case people want further information.
  • Start thinking of questions...

    Start thinking of questions…

    Questions – write your questions, there are plenty of good websites out there with lists of questions on them for you. Make sure you keep the questions under lock and key so no one can cheat! You may want to have a whole round about your destination country, for example if you’re going to Thailand one of your questions may be ‘Thailand is known as the country of what?’. This will also help to remind people why they’re at the event

  • Prize – arrange a prize, whether that is half of the money from peoples entrance donations or whether you ask local businesses to donate different prizes for the winning team.
  • Advertising – create posters to put up in the venue you’re holding the event at, let your family, friends and neighbours know that you’re holding a quiz to raise money and use social media to help advertise the event. You could even write to local businesses and encourage them to enter a team.
  • Fundraising – ask people to donate a certain amount (£2, £5) per person to enter the quiz, you can also leave collection buckets on the bar in case anyone wants to donate any spare change. You could also consider holding a raffle or other additional fundraising competitions at the same time (if people donate prizes you could include them on your promotional posters to say thank you).

Mini Quiz

Don’t have a venue you could hold a quiz at? Create a paper quiz and get people to donate a certain amount (£1, £2, £3) to complete the quiz over a period of a week or two and then they have to submit the sheet back to you. The person with the highest score wins a prize!

Make sure you include space on the quiz sheet for the participants name and contact details (in case they win), also remind people how and when they need to get the form back to you by. If there are several people that have got the same score, pick the winner from a hat.

Tip: try to make some of the answers non internet searchable, whether that’s something about your local area/university/school or about yourself.

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